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PUBLIC MARKS from allwebgold with tags waynedyer & "personal developement"

08 July 2008 01:45

Bob Doyle-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

After four years in a corporate job Bob had grown sick of it because of a lack of passion and a sense of being a slave to his day job just for his paycheck.

John Demartini-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

John is a doctor, a philosopher, author and international speaker. He has been a successful chiropractor for many years and once won the prestigious ‘Chiropractor of the Year’ award.

Jack Canfield-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

You might have seen Jack Canfield anywhere and everywhere before- the author has appeared on numerous television and radio programs including Oprah, 20/20, Inside Edition

James Ray-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

James Arthur Ray has studied throughout his life the theories of true wealth and prosperity for as long as he can remember and from this developed The Science of Success and

The Seminar-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

When studying quantum particles (the smallest observable unit of matter), these scientists discovered that such particles behave in accordance with the person conducting the experiment

Desire,Belief&Expectation-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

To make your intentions come into your life with greater frequency and consistency it's important to understand the three forces of power, those forces are -- desire, belief, and expectation.

Attracting Abundance-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

After you've identified what you'd like to attract into your life, do you just try to go through life thinking positively about it and waiting for it to fall into your lap?

The Power of Thinking Big-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

Regardless of what may be going on in your life, I’d suggest that you take the time to build a very clear image of the life you want. Then, hold that image – focus on it daily.

How to Control your Thoughts-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

Your thoughts are your most powerful asset! You and everything you experience in life are the direct result of your thoughts. The ability to control your thoughts will allow you to choose what experiences, people and the events you attract into your life.

Thoughts Become Things-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

To understand the Law of Attraction, let's first understand its underlying counterpart, The Law of Vibration. The Law of Vibration states that EVERYTHING vibrates (everything moves).

The Science of Getting Rich-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

Wealthy people know that it requires wealth to do great things. They know that the good you can do without money is confined to your own physical presence in a given place. To extend beyond your physical presence requires money.

The Secret Truths-The Secret, Money, Health, Happiness, Secrets

What does it take to be Truly Wealthy ? In EVERY way ! How can you achieve abundance in all areas of your life ? Wealthy People in the World Understand and Use this knowledge in their Daily Lives. And so can YOU !